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Should a Native iOS app & Android App, a Hybrid App or perhaps something completely third such as a Progressive Web App be developed?

App Technologies



1-5 weeks
imangu’s team
Customer | Project Manager | Sales Associate

The starting point when creating apps is very different from customer to customer, but always starts with a good idea or a problem that needs to be solved. Whether an app needs to be created for the market, a work tool for the company, or some form of contact surface between the public employee and the citizen, there are endless possibilities for how it can be done. Therefore, we spend a lot of time, both initially and continuously, challenging and analyzing the concept, while at the same time developing visual prototypes based on what are called 'wireframes', i.e. sketches and flow charts of the app's pages and user flow. This is also called UX design, which is short for User Experience. For some projects, it also makes good sense to do UX tests with real users, so that you can get valuable feedback for the concept development.



1-5 weeks
imangu’s team
Customer | Project Manager | Sales Associate

When we agree on the user flow and functions, the work passes to our graphics department, which in sparring with you develops the visual brand and design of the app. Companies often have a brand book/design book as a starting point, but other times a complete visual concept must be created from scratch with logo, design style, color theme and font types. This is also called UI design, which is short for User Interface. When creating an app, it is also important to create a detailed plan of the concept, development tasks as well as time horizon, milestones and budget. Both for the first version, but also for later additions.


Coding, coding, coding...

1-12 weeks
imangu’s team
Customer | Project Manager | Developers

When programming, the project manager controls the battle and ensures that the deadlines are met and the concept is developed into exactly the app we have in mind, and tests are carried out continuously. Making apps can be more complicated than you first expect, as one app for iOS, one for Android and a web-based back-end / app server must often be made. In addition, there may be special skills within hardware integrations (IoT), machine learning and AI, database construction, etc. That's why we put together a team of IT experts with experience in exactly the technologies that need to be used.

The project manager follows you through the project and, together with the customer consultant, will be the ongoing point of contact. You will be able to follow the development closely through our project management tools, and you will have the opportunity to continuously test alpha/beta versions on your own smartphones. Changes, questions and the like can be quickly reported and handled by your project manager.


The big moment

1-3 days
imangu’s team
Customer | Project Manager | Developers

We continuously test during development, and when the last beta version is ready with full functionality, our dedicated testers will ensure that the app works exactly as intended, and is optimized for different screen types and smart phones. Before the app is launched, we will also go through a beta test period with the customer, where you will also have the opportunity to test. Subsequently, we help create a developer account with Google and Apple, and launch the app in the appstore and Google Play under your name. We continuously advise on meeting their requirements, and ensure that we do not develop an app that cannot be approved.


Making sure that all works fine

imangu’s team
Customer | Project Manager | Developers

Once the app is launched, we offer to be responsible for the continued operation, maintenance and further development of the app. We can monitor how the app is performing, set up security systems, handle security reporting and make sure it's always online.

At lave apps er typisk et langt samarbejde, og vi skræddersyr efter lancering den fremadrettede organisering så det passer til behovet og kundens forretningsgange. Hvorvidt dette betyder AGIL videreduvikling, versionslanceringer eller en ticket baseret tilgang, så er det vigtigteste at vi sammensætter den rigtige model for vores kunder. Hos imangu ser vi vores kunders succes som vores egen, og vi vil gøre alt i vores magt, for at i får succes med jeres koncept. Derfor står jeres projektleder og konsulent altid klar til at sparre og konsultere om videreudvikling.