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Estate Connect

Imangu partnered with EstateConnect Media to develop user-friendly mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms, aimed at revolutionizing networking in the estate industry. Our team utilized React Native technology to create a solution that connects business professionals in the construction and property sectors, while also providing access to Estate Media's conferences and seminars in a convenient Tinder-style swipe carousel.

Estate Connect
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Native apps
6 month


EstateConnect Media is a leading organization in the estate industry, providing valuable resources and networking opportunities for decision-makers and senior employees in the construction and property sectors, as well as the public sector. Their conferences and seminars are highly regarded in the industry, and our mobile applications were designed to enhance the networking experience for their members, creating meaningful connections in a convenient and intuitive way.


The estate industry is constantly evolving, and our team faced unique challenges in developing the mobile applications for EstateConnect Media. We had to carefully balance the need for a user-friendly interface with the complexities of backend integration for seamless conference and seminar listings. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of the estate industry required us to adapt quickly to changing requirements and provide regular updates to the applications to ensure optimal performance.


Our team at Imangu designed and developed a mobile application solution for EstateConnect Media. The applications feature a convenient Tinder-style swipe carousel that allows users to network with ease, making meaningful connections with potential business partners. The applications also include a chat function, enabling users to communicate directly within the app and further enhance their networking experience. Additionally, a robust backend was implemented to seamlessly manage conference and seminar listings, ensuring users have access to up-to-date information at their fingertips.


Since the launch of the mobile applications, EstateConnect Media has seen a significant increase in engagement and networking activity among its members. The user-friendly interface and innovative features, such as the Tinder-style swipe carousel and in-app chat function, have revolutionized the way professionals in the estate industry connect with each other. The seamless backend integration has also streamlined conference and seminar listings, providing users with easy access to valuable industry events. The ongoing project has been a successful collaboration, and Imangu continues to work closely with EstateConnect Media to further enhance and optimize the mobile applications, providing an unparalleled networking experience for estate industry professionals.

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